Accra, Feb. 24, GNA - The Parliamentary Committee on Subsidiary Legislation has called for an upward adjustment of the processing fee for the acquisition of a passport from 50,000 cedis to 100,000 cedis to enable the Passport Office meet operational costs.
The Committee said the current system of laminating the relevant pages of passports in accordance with international standards to prevent forgery calls for the upward revision.
This was contained in a Report of the Committee on Subsidiary Legislation on the Passport and Travel Certificate (Fees) (Amendment) Instrument, 2003, Legislative Instrument (L.I) 1736.
Moving a motion for the adoption of the Report, Mr. Francis Agbotse, Chairman of the Committee, said it costs 42,000 cedis to procure a passport booklet "This does not include administration, labour and cost of processing each passport," he said.
Mr. Agbotse said the revision would help the Passport office meet " the procurement and administrative expenses for producing and issuing of passport in an effective and more efficient manner."
"The Committee also observed that the L.I 1736 makes provision for the replacement of lost passport at a cost of 500,000 cedis to be borne by complainants."
"The Committee was of the view that this would deter significantly large number of citizens who fraudulently make applications for replacement of alleged missing passports," he added. Nii Adu Daku Mante, NPP-Klottey Korle, seconded the motion.