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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 5 October 2015


Pastor grabbed for performing rituals at lorry station

Pastor Benjamin Ofori Pastor Benjamin Ofori

A pastor with the Koforidua Branch of King Jesus Ministry, Pastor Benjamin Ofori has been grabbed by some drivers at Koforidua trotro station in the Eastern region for allegedly performing rituals.

Pastor Ofori was allegedly caught red-handed on Sunday dawn performing the rituals.

The pastor attempted to abscond when he was spotted, but an alarm was raised leading to his arrest.

The pastor was hauled before the Akradwaafohene of New Juaben traditional area, Nana Owusu Acheaw I who has forwarded the matter to the New Juaben Traditional Council due to the gravity of the case.

The Chairman of the Trotro Drivers Union, Alhaji Sumaila Mahama, said drivers at the Trotro station have been laying surveillance for years now due to increasing rituals performed by unknown persons at the Lorry Station.

According to him, hardly a month goes by without seeing rituals at the station.