Saltpond (Central Region), 1 Oct.,
Former American Peace Corps Volunteers to Ghana have formed an association to publicise investment opportunities, socio-economic needs and the country's cultural values to the American public. The 3,700 ''Friends of Ghana Association'' has been shipping teaching and learning aids to some needy institutions its members had served. Mrs Harriet Lancaster, Peace Corps Country Director in Ghana, made this known in an address to 44 new Peace Corps volunteers attending a nine-week pre-service training course at Saltpond yesterday. Mrs Lancaster said the present group of trainees, the 39th batch since 1961, would serve as development workers and most would be attached to forestry, water, sanitation, health, education, youth development and small scale projects after their course. The United States, she said, has so far spent 25,000 dollars to renovate the permanent Peace Corps Training Centre in Saltpond.