Regional News of Thursday, 24 December 2009

Source: GNA

People of Saboba commended for peace and normalcy

Saboba (N/R), Dec. 24, GNA - The people of Saboba in the Northern Region have been commended for their contribution towards the prevalence of peace and tranquility in the district.

The Saboba District Chief Executive, Mr. John Adolf Ali made the commendation when he addressed the third ordinary meeting of the Saboba District Assembly at Saboba.

Mr. Ali said when he assumed office, he realized that the areas with latent disputes in the district were Sanguli, Nakple and Nalogni, with other minor flash points.

He noted, however, that none of these disputes ever reached violent conflict stage.

According to the district chief executive, members of the district Security Council, the Konkomba Youth Association (KOYA) as well as well-meaning opinion leaders worked hard with the cooperation of the people to ensure peace, law and order throughout the year. He indicated that it is the responsibility of everyone in the district to contribute to peace and security for the better future of their children. He called on the assembly members, opinion leaders and civil society organizations to adopt the use of non-violent strategies in response to disputes that may erupt in their areas of jurisdiction.

Mr. Ali announced that the assembly has received an amount of GHC 329,850.07 being its share of the second quarter allocation of the district assemblies common fund for development projects.

He indicated that after all the deductions, total amount paid into the assembly's bank account was GHC 171,648.52.

He said the amount was used to complete the construction of 40-bed children's ward at Saboba Medical Centre, the provision of 100 lamps street lights at Saboba and completion of a four-bedroom bungalow for the district chief executive.

Touching on this year's district-wide assistance project, (DWAP) Mr. Ali said the amount allocated from DWAP was used in the construction of a four-unit teacher accommodation block, urinal and KVIP at Nambiri, three-unit classroom block, urinal and KVIP at Bukpam and Gaala.

Mr. Ali expressed concern about the severe water crisis facing Saboba even though the assembly had bought a machine at the cost of GHC 16,000.00 which eventually broke down.

He said the assembly has again paid about GHC 25,000.00 for the procurement of a new pumping machine to solve the water crisis. In his welcome address the Presiding Member of the Assembly, Mr. Joseph Yimpuri Kidinyun, dilated on financial support to students in the district, and said an amount of GHC 24,600.00 has been allocated to support 230 students from the district who have gained admission into universities, polytechnics, teacher training colleges, nursing training colleges and those on distance learning programmes.

Mr. Yimpuri stated that this year, about 115 students have also applied for support to enter universities, polytechnics, teacher training colleges, and nursing training colleges.

He said the support for the students was based on the understanding that they would come back to the district to work after the completion of their courses.

Mr. Yimpuri stated that the situation where officers deliberately circumvent laid down structures in their establishments will definitely attract public censure.

He added that those of them who accepted to work in the public service should abide by the regulations laid down by the statutory act establishing those institutions.