Regional News of Tuesday, 24 October 2006

Source: GNA

Philanthropists construct classroom block

Mepe (V/R), Oct. 24, GNA -- A New Zealand couple has constructed a block of eight classrooms valued at about 830 million cedis for the Mepe Traditional Area in the Volta Region.

International Needs Holy Christ Community School built by Mr and Mrs Ian and Adrianne Lysaght replaces a dilapidated block and would be used for two years pre-school and six years primary education. "God has blessed us and we take great delight in sharing it with mankind in fulfilment of Jesus Christ's greatest commandment to his followers to love our neighbour - caring for the needs of the poor, visiting those in confinement, and generally sharing our worth, time, energy, life and resources for the benefit of other people," Mr Lysaght said at the dedication of the block at durbar at Mepe on Monday. He said the dedication was being performed on behalf of Jesus Christ, "as from a humble beginning God has opened the windows of heaven and poured out a blessing upon us and we take great delight in sharing with others across the world.

"We own all that we have to God whom we have served faithfully daily with our whole life, energy, time, resources and, in fact, all that is within us. We recognize and attribute our success to Him." Quoting from the Bible, Mr Lysaght, who is the Managing Director of Lysaght Developments, an industrial and residential property developers based in New Zealand, challenged Christians especially businessmen and businesswomen to adhere to God's direction.

It is a challenge that God throws to all mankind - "bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith...if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out blessing upon you..."

In a welcoming address, the Mepe Traditional Council commended the two philanthropists and the Director of International Needs, Ghana, the Reverend Walter Pimpong for the construction of the school block. In a speech read on behalf of the Council by Mr Arku Adjaklo, the traditional area described the event as a unique day in the educational calendar of the people.

The Council also commended a citizen of the area, Mr Christian Kordo Fosu, who started the Holy Christ Preparatory School decades ago but has now decided to hand it over to the community under the supervision of International Needs Ghana.

"Mr Fosu's desire to inspire the youth of Mepe to get interested in school education did not start with the opening of the Holy Christ Preparatory School. For more than 20 years the local philanthropist had instituted the Fosu Examination which was conducted in all primary and middle schools and awarded prizes to all pupils who excelled. "This directly caused many pupils to study and to perform in order to win prizes on speech and prizes-giving days, which were mainly sponsored by Mr Fosu," the Council noted with admiration. Rev. Pimpong said International Needs, noted for the liberation of Trokosi girls as well as building of vocational training institutions, decided to assist the community to improve education in the Mepe Traditional Area.

Ms Catharine Aku Aglah, District Chief Executive of South Tongu, who was among the large crowd who witness the dedication, said education was the foundation of every nation or society and commended the Mr and Mrs Lysaght for the construction.

She said a healthy and serene environment served as aid for studying and appealed to the chiefs and people to maintain the property. Ms Aglah cautioned the pupils against attending wake-keepings, cinema shows and loitering in the night, saying these were activities that would hinder their progress.

The Mepe community gave the couple kente, royal beads and a stool.