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Regional News of Tuesday, 20 June 2006

Source: GNA

Placid Preparatory School PTA presents items to school

Akyem Oda, June 20, GNA - Mrs Jane Brew, Proprietor of Placid Preparatory school at Akyem Oda, on Tuesday urged parents to take keen interest in the education of their children and supervise them at home. She reminded parents that children were assets and should visit schools of their children regularly to discuss their performances with the teachers.

Mrs Brew made the appeal at a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meeting of the school during which the PTA presented furniture and ceiling fans valued at 15 million cedis to the school.

She advised parents to provide adequate and nutritious meals to their children and provide them with the necessary logistics to enhance their studies.

Mr Yahaya Kassium, PTA Chairman urged the teachers to intensify work in the classroom to make instructional hours very fruitful. He said discipline in schools contributed greatly to good academic performance and appealed to all stakeholders in the school to exhibit disciplinary control for the school to maintain its high academic standard.