General News of Friday, 27 September 2002


Polarization Threatens National Development - GCPP

THE Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP) has said the degree and depth of polarisation of the Ghanaian society along political lines threatens the smooth development of the country.

The party said the utterances by some leaders and supporters of the various political parties tend to be emotional and inflammatory and will therefore undermine the prospects of Ghanaians living in peace and unity.

The leader of the party, Comrade Dan Lartey who said this in an interview in Accra yesterday, noted with concern the outbursts of people in reaction to topics featured on radio and television in the country.

He said even though people could disagree on issues of diverse national concerns, such disagreements should not lead them into making unprintable and intemperate comments which heighten passions and emotions.

Comrade Lartey said political leaders should not at all take pride in encouraging their supporters to indulge in trading accusations and counter-accusations, especially on radio since such developments breed antagonism among them.

He said since 1992 politics continues to divide the ranks of Ghanaians instead of uniting them to move the country forward.

The GCPP leader said any ruling government will find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to achieve genuine unity and reconciliation if parties adopt entrenched positions to the detriment of national development.

?It will take all Ghanaians to move the country forward and for that reason it will not serve political parties any purpose if they encourage their supporters to hate each other,? Comrade Lartey said.

He said development is a collective responsibility and, therefore, enjoined members of political parties to place national interest far above parochial party considerations.

Comrade Lartey appealed to leaders of political parties to be mindful of their statements which have the potential of stirring ill feelings among the people