Diaspora News of Monday, 31 May 2004

Source: www.maarivintl.com/

Police Brutaliy In Isreal

Kav Leoved, the foreign workers hot line and assistance organization has dozens of cases of police brutality on record. One such case involves Andros Kwatchi, a 40-year old Ghanaian apprehended by police on his way to work. He was violently assaulted, both his legs broken and left in a heap on the pavement.

Passerbys called an ambulance, which took him to hospital, where he had to undergo orthopedic surgery including platinum implants to repair the smashed bones in his legs. He complained, and has been allowed to remain in the country to give evidence in the trial of the uniformed perpetrators.

Several police officers are on trial for brutality against foreign workers. In one case the victim was beaten up so badly he sustained damage to his liver. The trial against the police officers involved is almost over, the verdict is expected within 2-3 weeks.
