Crime & Punishment of Sunday, 20 October 2024


Police allegedly beat Barker Vormawor at Striking Force Unit

Lead Convener of Democracy Hub, Oliver Barker-Vormawor Lead Convener of Democracy Hub, Oliver Barker-Vormawor

Democracy Hub has condemned an alleged incident of police brutality involving its convener, Oliver Barker Vormawor. According to a statement released by the group, Vormawor, who remains in police custody, was reportedly beaten by officers at the Striking Force unit of the Regional Commands before being transferred to another police station earlier on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

The organization expressed outrage at the “continuous unprofessional conduct” of the Ghana Police Service, accusing them of consistently violating the dignity of individuals held in custody while awaiting trial. Democracy Hub emphasized that this incident highlights a broader pattern of misconduct within the police force, which they claim is led by Inspector General of Police (IGP) George Akuffo Dampare.

“This egregious behavior is exactly why we initiated the Hunger Strike,” the statement read, pointing to ongoing concerns about the treatment of detainees.

“A cell is not a place for convicts, and anyone could find themselves there, even over the most trivial matters.”

Democracy Hub also criticized the Police Professional Standards Bureau (PPSB), which reports directly to the IGP, accusing it of failing to hold officers accountable for misconduct. The group called for an immediate overhaul of the PPSB and demanded significant reforms to address police brutality in Ghana.

The statement outlined five key demands:

1. An immediate end to all forms of police brutality

2. A thorough investigation into the alleged assault on Oliver Barker Vormawor

3. Accountability for all officers involved in the incident

4. A complete overhaul of the Police Professional Standards Bureau

5. Implementation of measures to protect the rights and dignity of detainees

Democracy Hub vowed to continue pressing for reform within law enforcement, stating, “We will not rest until there is significant change. The rights and dignity of every citizen must be respected, regardless of their circumstances.”

As this story develops, attention will be on the police and the government’s response to these serious allegations.