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Regional News of Monday, 27 October 2003

Source: GNA

Police arrest two over man's death

New Edubiase (Ash), Oct. 27, GNA- The New Edubiase police have arrested Opanin J.W.K. Ahiater and Samuel Agbeshie for hindering an inquest into the death of one Yaw Willie at Akutreso, near New Edubiase in the Adansi East district. They were alleged to have buried Willie, who died from burns he sustained from fire, without notifying the police.
Briefing the Ghana News Agency (GNA) last Thursday, Police Detective Corporal F.O. Awuah, said the deceased and Agbeshie were members of the Akutreso mass cocoa spraying gang. He said at about 2000 hours on October 10, the deceased and Agbeshie entered a room in which items for the spraying exercise including petrol were kept, with a lantern. Detective Corporal Awuah said the petrol caught fire and set the room ablaze with Willie trapped in it.
Detective Awuah said Willie was rushed to the Assin-Fosu Catholic Hospital where he was admitted but he died four days later. Detective Corporal Awuah said instead of the family of the deceased informing the police about the death for an inquest to be carried out they buried him secretly.