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General News of Sunday, 30 July 2017


Police refuse to grant bail to parent of 13-year-old who committed suicide

Dennis Alia hanged himself after reportedly finding out that he had failed his examinations Dennis Alia hanged himself after reportedly finding out that he had failed his examinations

Father of the 13-year old class four student who committed suicide at Adukrom in the Asokore Mampong municipality of the Ashanti region is still in police custody four days after the sad incident.

Luala Ali and his Junior Brother, the uncle of the deceased who were picked up by the Asokore Mampong municipal Police command have been refused bail even at the instance of the relatives.

A relative of the family who will only give his name as Sammy told Ultimate News after visiting them in the cells that their relatives are being held to aid investigations.

He however pointed out that the family is looking forward to beckoning the police to grant them bail by Monday.

The boy, Denis Alia class four pupil of the Adukrom Presbyterian School hanged himself after reportedly finding out that he had failed his examinations and was going to be repeated in class four.