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General News of Sunday, 6 November 2022


Police restore calm to Enchi, start probe into deadly chieftaincy dispute

Logo of the Ghana Police Service Logo of the Ghana Police Service

Police have restored calm in the town of Enchi, in the Western North Region, following a violent chieftaincy dispute that has claimed some lives. According to a November 6, 2022 statement, “security has been beefed up in the palace, the Enchi township and surrounding communities.” The dispute led to the loss of four lives and injury to another person, the statement signed by Director of Public Affairs, CSP Grace Ansah-Akrofi disclosed. The Police have also commenced investigations with officers dispatched from the National Headquarters to support the Western North Regional Police Command. “We wish to urge the public, in this case, our revered chieftaincy institution which is the embodiment of our customs , traditions and values to use peaceful and due judicial process in resolving differences in order to avoid such needless deaths,” the statement added. Read the police statement below: Watch the latest episode of The Lowdown below: SARA