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Regional News of Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Source: GNA

Political Parties in Upper East adopt road safety code

Bolgatanga, June 24, GNA - Political parties in the Upper East Region have adopted a road safety code to ensure safety on the roads, before, during and after Election 2008.

The Leadership of the parties accepted the code at a forum the Road Safety Commission organised on Tuesday at Bolgatanga.

The parties were the New Patriotic Party (NPP); National Democratic Congress (NDC); Conventions People's Party (CPP); People's National Convention (PNC) and Democratic Freedom Party (DFP).

They all pledged to educate their members and supporters on the need to abide by the code to avoid accidents.

Under the code, supporters of political parties should not get drunk when riding motorbikes or bicycle; driving vehicles or occupying open pickup vehicles while attending rallies.

Drivers should not overtake, speed or hoot their horns unnecessarily, among other restrictions.

The code also requested supporters to put on seat belts and vehicles that would be used to convey them to rallies should be checked to certify that their brake lights, traffic-indicator lights; steering wheels and seat belts among other things were all in good condition. Assistant Superintendent of Police, Seth Tay, Upper East Regional Deputy Commander in-charge of the Motor Traffic and Transport Unit (MTTU), asked the public to obey traffic regulations to avoid accidents.

He advised motor riders to always wear crash helmets, avoid speeding and wrong overtaking and drunkenness while riding. A Superintendent of Police, Innocent Avevor entreated the Leadership of political parties to ensure that their supporters obeyed the code to avoid accidents on the roads.

He noted that election was about numbers and the death of supporters of any political party could affect its chances at the polls. Mr Alexander Ayatah Atiibo, Coordinator of the Road Safety Commission in the Region, expressed dismay at the spate of road accidents in the country and said most of the accidents were caused by human error that could have been prevented if care were taken.

He stressed the need for the Leadership of political parties to always make sure that their vehicles were in good condition before embarking on their campaign trips.

Mr Atiibo appealed to political parties to appoint responsible persons to enforce the code to curtail carnage on the roads.