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Politics of Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Source: GNA

Potential voters sleeping at registration centres

As a sign of patriotism and a call to national duty some potential voters are spending the night at some of the biometric registration centres.

A visit to the Taifa Presbyterian Church registration centre by Ghana News Agency (GNA) at midnight saw people sleeping at the place.

Mr Danjuma Tamimu, a Driver told the GNA that he arrived at the centre 21 hours to avoid the long queues, since the officials have a specific number they want to register for the day.

He said the process was frustrating and it was preventing them from concentrating on their work.

“They (EC) say if you do not come early you will not get a number,” he added.

Mr Kojo Addo, a Trader, said he came to the centre in the early hours of the morning but could not have access to the process, so he decided to spend the night there to enable him complete the exercise early.

Madam Joyce Amoo, Petty trader, complained about the slow pace at which the process was going, saying “l left my children and my husband at home just to sleep here for the registration.”

Another woman, who gave her name as Grace was of the conviction that the only means to register fast was to spend the night at the centre.

“When you are at the centre before the officials arrive and there is proper law, order and queue management the process will be completed," she said.**