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General News of Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Source: The Informer

Poverty Hits Drug Barons & Narcotics Peddlers

: Akufo-Addo Tells The Truth!

In far away Germany, where NPP flagbearer, Akufo-Addo is reported to be having secret meetings with international drug barons promising them that he will allow them to once again make Ghana their home if they fund his campaign, the NPP flagbearer has also put it out that Ghana has become poorer under the watch of President Atta Mills.

According to Akufo-Addo, President Atta Mills is presiding over “Poverty Owning Democracy”.

To all intents and purposes, the NPP flagbearer has hit the nail on the head because it is a matter of fact that under the watch of His Excellency President Atta Mills, drug barons and narcotics peddlers have been hit by poverty. President Atta Mills, when he was campaigning to be President, swore to fight the drug menace headlong and after taking over the reins of government, has aggressively chased the drug barons out of town.

Unlike the Kufuor and Akufo-Addo era, where the drug barons and narcotics peddlers had a field day to do their illicit business and flaunt their ill-gotten wealth, under the watch of President Atta Mills, the story is different. Since January 07, 2009, when President Mills was sworn into office, the drug barons and the narcotics peddlers have known seen their bank accounts and pockets shrink drastically.

The flashy petrol-guzzling four wheel vehicles that used to ply the streets of Accra, can no longer be spotted. All the Hammer vehicles that used to occupy streets of Accra can no longer be found.

These days, international prostitutes and pimps are no longer flocking into Ghana because the drug barons and drug money no longer exists. With the drug trade no more flourishing waa waa waa, Akufo-Addo and his NPP have been hit by extreme poverty.

For the section of the Ghanaian populace that did not depend on the dirty cocaine money between 2001-2008, they are seeing the Better Ghana agenda being rolled out comprehensively and appreciate the good work that President Atta Mills is doing.

It is only Akufo-Addo and his Narcotics Peddlers Party that is crying that they are poor because they are no longer getting the free cocaine money as well as the kickback money.

Even though Akufo-Addo has been talking a lot of crap; he has for the first time spoken sense because there is no denying the fact that he and his drug baron friends have become poor under the watch of President Atta Mills.