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General News of Friday, 11 December 2015

Source: peacefmonline

Power Minister must jump before he is pushed - Kofi Kapito

Kofi Kapito Kofi Kapito

Chief Executive Officer of the Consumer Protection Agency (CPA) has advised Dr. Kwabena Donkor, Power Minister, to exit office by the end of the year before he is sacked.

Speaking on Peace FM's Kokrokoo, Kofi Kapito promised Ghanaians that he will hold the Power Minister to his promise to end the erratic power supply by the end of 2015.

According to him, he has begun his countdown and patiently awaits the resolution of the energy crises.

He noted that if the power crisis lingers on till the end of the year, Dr Donkor should not wait for President John Dramani Mahama to utter a word regarding his exit from the Ministry.

He appealed to him to be a "man" and boldly honour his word to Ghanaians.

"He should be a man. He shouldn't wait to be told to vacate his office. He should leave if dumsor continues till the end of the year. We don't expect him to remain at post by next year. He made a promise to resolve the issue or else resign. He must not wait for President John Mahama before he takes his exit."

Mr. Kapito also lambasted the Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC) for announcing new tariffs increases.

To him, the work of the Commission should correspond with the demands of the consumers, adding that consumers want value for their money.

"If the PURC wants consumers to pay more tariffs, they should provide better services," Kofi Kapito said.