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General News of Saturday, 24 August 2013

Source: joyonline

Power-sharing deal is nonsense; I won't agree to it - Sinari

Vice Chairman of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), Alhaji Said Sinare has opposed calls for power-sharing among political parties ahead of the Supreme Court ruling on the Petition challenging the legitimacy of President John Mahama.

He said Ghanaians gave NDC a four year mandate to rule and thus "if the electorate are not satisfied with our performance, they have the right to vote us out".

Said Sinare was reacting to the call by the chairman of his party Dr Kwabena Adjei and other statesmen on political parties to adopt an all inclusive government.

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, Most Rev. Charles Palmer-Buckle has also proposed a unity government after the Supreme Court ruling on the Presidential Election Petition.

Palmer-Buckle believes power-sharing will lessen the political tension in the country and ensure national cohesion.

But in an exclusive interview on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Friday, Alhaji Sinare stated unequivocally that calls for power sharing is "nonsense".

The former Ayawaso Central Member of Parliament said, if the need arises for that after the court ruling, he as the vice chairman of the NDC "will not approve of that".

"The NPP [New Patriotic Party] had the mandate of the people and ruled this country for eight years. We also have the mandate of the people of Ghana to rule for four years so nobody should bring in this power-sharing nonsense; I won’t take that," he stressed.

Alhaji Sinari also Ghana’s Ambassador to Egypt maintained that, the crusaders of power-sharing must do a rethink and come up with cogent suggestions to protect the sanctity of Ghana’s peace.

He believes the call for peace has been over flogged and that, in his opinion, is causing the tension in the country.

Alhaji Sinare said the NDC is ready to accept the verdict of the Supreme Court even if it goes against them because Ghana’s peace is supreme.

"Ghanaians are peace loving people and I don’t see any chaos happening after the court ruling".