General News of Monday, 22 May 2017


Pregnant midwifery student ordered to defer exams

Pregnant Nurse (File Photo) Pregnant Nurse (File Photo)

A pregnant student of the Pantang Midwifery school is battling the school over the decision by management to prevent her from writing an ongoing examination as a result of her pregnancy.

Deborah Akyaa Owusu, who is seven months pregnant, said she was stopped from writing exams two weeks ago, and subsequently forced to submit a deferral letter citing her pregnancy.

Speaking to host of the Morning Starr Francis Abban, Akyaa Owusu, said she is fit and does not see the need to defer her course.

“It was six of us who are pregnant and three had an abortion, two have delivered and its left with me so my principal asked me to defer my course but I told her I will defer but I want to finish with this semester because I will deliver in July and the semester will end first week in June so she should allow me to write my end of semester exams so I defer after the semester.

“Two weeks ago, I was writing my mid-sem and I was told by one of my tutors that the administration has asked them to stop me to from writing the exams, and I told them I’m ok and fit to write and do not see why I should be prevented from writing the exams,i won’t defer the course,” she narrated.

Three weeks ago, a similar incident occurred at the Gushegu nursing training college where media pressure compelled authorities to back down on a decision to disallow a pregnant student from partaking in an examination.