General News of Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Source: GNA

President Mills sends message to Muslims on Eidul-Adha

Accra, Nov. 16, GNA - President John Evans Atta Mills has sent a special goodwill message to all Muslims on the occasion of Tuesday's Eidul-Adha. A statement signed by the Minister of Information, Mr John Tia Akologu, said President Mills also congratulated Muslims for their significant contribution to the progress and development of Ghana and wished them well during the ensuing year. Eidul-Adha, which is the Festival of Sacrifice, is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Isma'il as an act of obedience to God, before God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice instead. According to President Mills, "the lesson of Ibrahim's unwavering obedience to Allah to sacrifice Isma'il, his own son, should remind Ghanaians of the need to remain obedient to the teachings and practices of Allah as this holds the key to the unity and progress of humanity". 16 Nov. 10
