Regional News of Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Source: GNA

President’s nominee for West Gonja confirmed

Assembly members at the West Gonja District Assembly on Monday voted unanimously to confirm the President’s nominee, Mr Ali Bakari Kassim as District Chief Executive.

Mr Kassim secured 100 per cent of the votes cast by all the 20 assembly members comprising 12 elected members and eight government appointees.

His confirmation was supervised by the Electoral Commission which was represented by Mr Sylvester Kanyi, Northern Regional Director and Mr Issah Nantogmah, District Director of the commission.

Before his appointment and subsequent confirmation, Mr Kassim was an Accountant at the Tamale Senior High School.

Regional Minister Bede Ziedeng, Upper East Regional Minister Mohammed Muniru, Deputy Minister of Energy and Petroleum John Jinapor, Member of Parliament for Damongo and Sofo Azorka, Adam Mutawakilu and Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress witnessed the ceremony.

Mr Ziedeng urged the assembly members to put the interest of the assembly first and stated that the spate of agitations against some of the nominees of the President is an unhealthy practice which should not be emulated.

The newly elected MCE promised to work diligently and in consultation with all stakeholders to advance the development of the district.

He thanked the President for the confidence reposed in him, saying he was humbled at the nomination and the endorsement.