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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Source: -NDC Germany

Presidential and Parliamentary Primaries, November, 2015 -NDC Germany

The National Democratic Congress (NDC), our great party will elect presidential and parliamentary candidates come November 21. The party has given every single card bearing member a say in who should represent the party. The party has give us the members the best opportunity to choose candidates who resonate with us the grassroots.
We, the members of the German Chapter have unanimously endorsed the candidature of His Excellency, President John Mahama. We are assured that the train of Changing Lives and Transforming Ghana been led by President Mahama will steer us to the ‘Promised Land’. We therefore call on our card bearing members of our great party to turn out in our numbers to endorse His Excellency, President John Mahama as our presidential candidate to continue with his good works such as bringing health delivery to the doorstep of the people, expansion in our educational sector, more infrastructures etc.
We entreat all delegates to turn out massively to elect good and formidable candidates for our parliamentary representations. Candidates who will represent our ideas and goals and provide greater support to the president. Our party is people centered and never discriminate against anybody.
We also appeal to all aspirants in the Parliamentary primaries not to abandon the party and go independent if they fail to win. Such practices did cause the party to lose some seats in 2012 and we should not repeat.

We entreat all members of our great party, the NDC to remain united and be focused to winning the 2016 elections one touch as God is on our side.
We call on all membership of our great party to go out there on the 21st November, 2015 to part take in this all important polls peacefully to make the NDC brand remain the most peaceful and attractive party in Ghana. Remember, in NDC the rule of law works and lets resort to it should the need arise.
The membership of the German Chapter of NDC wishes all candidates the best of luck and prays for a successful Congress. With a united front, victory awaits us in 2016.
Eye Zu, Eye Za
Long live NDC,
Long live Ghana