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Diasporia News of Monday, 28 February 2011

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Press Release By Zongo Caucus (NDC UK AND IRELAND BRANCH)

It has come to the attention of the Zongo Caucus (NDC UK) that a group of individuals are going round introducing themselves as members of this Caucus to Ministers and other high profile members of the current Government. In doing so, they seek to use the rapport built and the contacts established to seek favours from such high profile individuals and other unsuspecting members of the general public. As a group that operates within the wider objectives of the National Democratic Congress Party and fully aware of the constitutional provisions on Fundamental Human Rights, we do not deny the right of any individual or group of individuals to establish any form of association. What we refuse is any covert or overt attempt by a group of charlatans to use the name of this Caucus for the fulfilment of any acts defined by their selfish interests and driven by a senseless act of parochialism.
It must be noted that The NDC UK/IRELAND chapter (which is the umbrella group in the UK and IRELAND) is aware of the existence of the Zongo Caucus (NDC UK) . We are aware of the protocols that ought to be followed in all circumstances and adhere to the Constitution of the National Democratic Congress Party. There is an Interim Executive Committee including Mr Awudu Sannie (Chairman), Mr Malik Dramani (Patron), Mr Adams Sheriff Yakubu (Secretary), and Mr Anyas Ibrahim (Organiser). These are the people who are currently steering the affairs of the Caucus. We have so far not contacted any individual or group of individuals except for the purpose of canvassing their support and broadening the membership base of the Caucus.
We are therefore appalled by the activities of these charlatans whose objectives appear to be at variance with the cardinal objectives of the Caucus thereby inadvertently seeking to impugn and malign the noble objectives of this Caucus when infact they are not known in our records as members.
We are by this release informing the general public and especially members of the current government to beware of this group and to refrain from extending any courtesies to them as they do not represent the interest of the Caucus.

Adam Sheriff Yakubu
Interim Secretary