Politics of Sunday, 19 June 2011

Source: FONKAR

Press Statement By FONKAR

The Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings (FONKAR) find it unfortunate certain unfair tactics being adopted by the Castle and the Mills Team towards Nana Konadu’s Campaign for presidency in 2012, and the falsehoods being peddled against some leading members of FONKAR.

The NDC is a democratic party that believes in the rule of law. The NDC is a party that adheres to democratic principles. We, as members of NDC and friends of Nana Konadu are, therefore, surprised at the level of undemocratic tendencies that have characterized the campaign for the leadership contest of the NDC.
It has become glaringly evident that the Mills Team is determined to use all and any crude means to cast a slur on our candidate, Nana Konadu, and all who support and endorse her bid for the flag-bearership of the NDC.

The latest in evidence of one such attempt to create confusion and discredit our candidate and our organization - FONKAR – is a character assassination war being waged against The Director of Operations of FONKAR; Mr Ernest Owusu Bempah. The castle sponsored smear attack being directed at Mr Owusu Bempah is irresponsible, undemocratic, unacceptable and a desperate action on the part of the Mills’ team.

FONKAR is aware of a deliberate attempt by the Director of Communications at the presidency Koku Anyidoho, and his media contacts led by Raymond Archer of the Enquirer newspaper, Kobby Fiagbe of the Lens and the Informer newspapers and other mischievous elements at the Presidency to tarnish the image of the Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings ( FONKAR) as a result of our unflinching advocacy, unity, stability and development – the motto of our great party.(NDC) and our determination to see our party move forward.

For the record, Mr Owusu Bempah is a known NDC activist who has worked for the party in various capacities. He has personally used his resources towards the party’s 2008 campaign and we have no doubt whatsoever about his commitment to the great NDC and FONKAR for that matter. Just like other dedicated members, he has spoken in defense of NDC policies and actions while we were in opposition, and contributed personally towards the NDC’s 2008 campaign. This is testament towards his commitment towards the great NDC. It is therefore most disturbing the sudden case of selective memory by certain elements in government who during the 2008 campaign worked closely with Mr Owusu Bempah and are aware of his contribution to the success of the NDC in 2008.

There are countless number of people including philanthropists, business men, party sympathizers and footsoldiers whose contribution to the party’s 2008 victory is being call to question and we are at a loss why President Mills and his cohorts are trying to introduce exclusionism into the NDC now that we’re in power.

In fact, FONKAR views this latest in the series of a smear campaign and general harassment and intimidation of our members as one further evidence of the paranoia that has gripped the Mills/Mahama administration, given its inability to deliver on the mandate the electorate voted for, and its failure at every turn to practice politics necessary to change the course of this country, sacrificing principles and the greater moral mandate and the unity of the great NDC and Ghana for that matter.

While democracy offers us the window to communicate our views on any subject matter, it does not allow incendiary provocations. The NDC cannot afford the cost of any human folly that could be misread, as a threat, and incite violence.
The blatant abuse of executive power to induce, intimidate and lure delegates and other party supporters to vote against their conscience in the forthcoming presidential primary is shameful, cowardly, irresponsible and a very bad example to the youth of today and generations to come.

This practice is most importantly alien to the National Democratic Congress. It is embarrassing that in a desperate bid to cling to power, persons within the Mills apparatus are employing such appalling tactics, which our party abhors.
We are aware of a number of government appointees led by P.V. Obeng, Kwame Peprah, Cecilia Johnson, E.T. Mensah, Victor Smith and many others who are going round the country distributing money, sewing machines and motor bikes with the aim of bribing delegates.
We are, therefore making a call to delegates and supporters in the regions, constituencies, towns, villages and hamlets to stand strong. Please do not fall victim to the lies. Do not compromise your ideals and principles. Do not compromise the ideology that drew you to the great NDC party. We are calling on the rank and file of our great party the NDC to stay strong; to be BOLD because candidate Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings has responded to our call to take up the NDC flagbearership in order to ensure the implementation of policies that promote the NDC motto of Unity, Stability and Development for all.
The NDC under the leadership of President Mills is despondent and divided. Never in the history of the great party have we been so divided. Never have we been so visionless. The party under his leadership is at a stalemate and the only solution is for a credible, courageous, all-embracing candidate with a new mandate to lead the NDC. The NDC needs somebody with a new mandate to lead the party and FONKAR believes Nana Konadu will guarantee victory for the NDC in 2012.
Unlike GAME, FONKAR is one of the many groups calling for Nana Konadu to take up the NDC flagbearership just like the movement for Nana Konadu 2012, Zongo Caucus in support of Nana Konadu etc, etc. We are independent of Nana Konadu for 2012 campaign and our support for Nana Konadu is based on her visionary leadership and her commitment to work with the grassroots of the party for a true NDC- the true NDC that offers economic opportunities for our youth and unity and stability in development.

Long live FONKAR!
Long live Nana Konadu
Long live Ghana
Signed; Dela Coffie ( Communications Director – FONKAR)