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Politics of Saturday, 18 September 2010

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Press Statement from the CPP

News Release
For Immediate Release
September 18, 2010.
The Convention People’s Party CPP, will celebrate Founder’s Day with the launch of
the party’s strategy of social-transformation based on its home-grown ideology of
Nkrumahism; driven by the three pillars of Self-Determination, Social Justice and

The strategy which aims at transforming Ghanaian society from a third world to a
developed country with a per capita income of at least $5,000.00 within a
generation; constitutes a key component of the party’s campaign towards election

A press conference scheduled to be addressed by Chairman and Leader of the party,
Ladi Nylander, at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday September 21, 2010 at the party
headquarters, Asylum Down, Accra, will see the official inauguration of the party’s
Shadow Cabinet, the team responsible for the implementation of the CPP strategy of

The Chairman is expected to provide an update on the state of affairs of the party
and the way forward, which will include enlisting the support of all members and
sympathisers to contribute their quota through organisation at the grass roots
level towards the realisation of the party’s goal of providing quality visionary
leadership for the country again.

A schedule of weekly press briefings on policy alternatives, dubbed “How CPP Will Do
It” will be revealed at the press conference.
# # #
William Dowokpor
Director Communications, CPP.