Diaspora News of Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Source: Anane-Gyinde, Kwaku

Press statement by the association of concerned Ghanains in Europe


The Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe (ACGIE) is deeply worried about the sudden disappearance of the Editor of the Daily Searchlight Newspaper, Mr. Kennedy Agyei Kurachie and the unwillingness of the prisons authorities to allow Counsel and members of his immediate family (wife) to visit him.

Since the sentence was handed to him, Mr. Kurachie had been moved several times from one detention facility to another often at very odd and dangerous hours. First it was Nsawan from where he was later sent to Ho and to Kete Krachie. As we speak the whereabouts of the renowned Journalist remains a state- guarded secret in direct contravention of International Human Rights Law and the fourth Republican Constitution of Ghana.

As a country, we need to constantly remind ourselves that people who have been sentenced are entitled to certain basic and fundamental rights first as human beings and secondly as Ghanaians. These rights include the right not to be intimidated, harassed or subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment. The constant and needless shuttling of Mr. Kurachi from one prison to another and denying him access to his Counsel and immediate family is a clear and blatant violation of his rights under the constitution and should be condemned by all Ghanaians.

ACGIE is in no way questioning the Prison Service to carry out their legally mandated functions as provided for under the constitution. Our concern is about the arbitrary and capricious manner in which those duties and functions are being performed. Indeed, the very constitution from which they derive their powers and authority also enjoins the prison authorities to uphold, defend and demonstrate respect for the rights of ALL people in their custody without discrimination.

It is equally important to point out that the only institution vested with the power to impose punitive sanctions on any individual Ghanaian is the Judiciary and it is in the exercise of these powers that the Supreme Court sentenced the Daily Searchlight Editor to ten days in prison. Against this backdrop, it is unacceptable for the prison authorities to impose further sanctions which are extra-judicial in nature. In effect, what the prison authorities have done is to arrogate to themselves the power to punish Mr. Kurachie although our constitution clearly prohibits them from doing so.

Like many Ghanaians, ACGIE’s position is informed by certain events in our recent history when some prisoners suddenly disappeared and their whereabouts have since remained a mystery. Mr. Kurachie’s constant and persistent movement around the country under very suspicious circumstances not only raises questions about the life and safety of Mr. Ken Kurachie but more importantly brings back bitter memories of the PNDC era when prisoner disappearance was the norm.
We call on the Minister of interior to ensure the safety and welfare of Mr. Kennedy Agyei Kurachie because Ghanaians would hold him response for any mishap.

Kwaku Anane-Gyinde
