General News of Friday, 22 May 1998

Source: --

Price effects of energy crisis

22 May 1998 A market survey on the prices of some of these commodities in Accra show that increased demand for the items has led to price hikes and shortages. The following prices increases were identified

Pack 24 Batteries from 108,000 to 114,000 cedis Box of 30 Candles from 37,000 to 43,000 cedis Lanterns from 5,000 cedis to 5,500 cedis each. Re-chargeable torch lights from between 50,000 and 100,000 cedis to 65,000 and 200,000 cedis.

Generators 1.4 KVA 1.0 million cedis 2.4 KVA 2.5 million cedis 3.0 KVA 3 million

Ice blocks A bar from 1,500 cedis to 5,000 cedis