General News of Thursday, 12 December 2019

Source: GIZ Ghana

Private sector players advocate for collective action against corruption

A high level panel of stakeholders in the private sector and civil society organizations have called on the private sector to champion collective action, through collaborations and presenting a united front in order to win the fight against corruption, especially in light of the implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

The call was made at the Business Integrity Forum dubbed “Positioning for the AfCFTA and the fight against corruption: the critical role of the Ghanaian Private Sector” organized by the Alliance for Integrity project implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Private Enterprises Federation (PEF) and the Ghana Anti-Corruption (GACC) in collaboration with the UK Ghana Chamber of Commerce (UKGCC), American Chamber of Commerce, Ghana (AMCHAM), Ghanaian-German Economic Association (GGEA), Palladium and the UN Global Compact Network.

In her welcome address, Ronke Ampiah, Advisory Group Chair of Alliance for Integrity Ghana, highlighted the need for open discussions among private sector actors on the challenges and obstacles they face in doing business.

She advocated for active peer-to-peer engagements and learning from best-practices around the world, especially on how to harness the full benefits of cross border trade, while mitigating the risks of corruption. She also stressed on the need for collective action of public sector, private sector and civil society in the fight against corruption.

Setting the tone for the discussions and presenting on the topic ‘Positioning for the AfCFTA and the fight against corruption’, Nana Osei Bonsu, Executive Director – Private Enterprises Federation & Chairman – Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition, underscored the business and investment opportunities that the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement holds for the private sector, yet emphasized the attendant challenges of a liberalized market, including the apparent connection between trade and corruption.

He urged the private sector not to neglect the discussions on the operationalization of the AfCFTA to only the government, but actively engage in its set-up by presenting a common front to government.

He added that in engaging with government, the private sector should outline what it needs to survive the AfCFTA and prevent corruption. He therefore encouraged the private sector, especially the SMEs who make up about 90% of businesses in Ghana, to join relevant sector associations, forge partnerships and build enough capacity to be able to withstand shocks that may emanate from the eventual implementation of the AfCFTA.

Nana Osei Bonsu used the opportunity to encourage Ghana’s Parliament to speed up the passage of the Insolvency Bill so that struggling SMEs can survive bankruptcy and be able to participate in the AfCFTA.

In a panel discussion on “Private sector role in fight against corruption’” panelists stressed on the need for private sector collaboration to put pressure on government to drive the full implementation on the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP) and the enforcement of all legislations on anti-corruption.

The discussants laid emphasis also on collaboration in data collection as regards to corruption and the use of the data to build capacity or prosecute where necessary to serve as a deterrent.

The issue about the cost of fighting corruption featured prominently and the consensus was reached on the need for collective action and a new bold step that departs from mere rhetoric to evidence-based action and agenda at industry, association and chamber levels against corruption.

In giving the closing remarks, John Duti, Team Leader for Alliance for Integrity Ghana, stated that the private sector has the strength to fight corruption once they collaborate and commit to responsible business practices.

He invited businesses to join the Alliance for Integrity and take part in various awareness-raising and capacity-building activities on business integrity.

He opined that companies that joined the network of the Alliance for Integrity would benefit from peer-to-peer networking and internal exchanges, and public-private dialogue opportunities and become part of a global network of likeminded businesses.

Participants of the Business Integrity Forum included top-level executives from private sector entities, public sector institutions, civil society organization and international agencies.