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Regional News of Saturday, 16 June 2012

Source: GNA

Procession of Chiefs through Hohoe Township called off

The planned procession by the Chiefs of the Gbi Traditional Area through the Hohoe Township on Saturday had been called off.

The event, which was to end at the palace of Togbega Gabusu VI, Paramount Chief of Gbi was ostensibly for the chiefs to inspect the extent of damage caused by the early Monday morning raid on Togbega Gabusu’s home by Zongo youths, vandalizing properties.

The youth of Hohoe gathered in small groups discussing the cancellation of the procession, while their chiefs and elders tried to explain to them the development.

Togbe Adzima V, Chief of Gbi-Abansi, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the call off was based on intelligence reports, which said the environment was not conducive for the procession.

The youth were apprehensive about the waiver of the 48-hour ultimatum to the Zongo authorities to return the Gbi State regalia and the cancellation of the procession.

Togbe Adzima, however, asked the youth to exercise restraint.**