General News of Friday, 21 November 2003

Source: GNA

Provide particulars of Armed Robbery Suspects-CJ

Mr Justice George Kingsley Acquah, Chief Justice (CJ) on Friday ordered the Police Administration to provide his outfit with the necessary information on particulars of Armed Robbery Suspects who claimed they had been granted bail.

The information, he said, should include the orders, if any made, by the courts handling those cases.

Mr Justice Acquah whose directive was contained in a press release following media publication and public outcry on the granting of bail to Armed Robbery Suspects by the law courts, also directed court clerks to submit to him daily returns on such cases, especially where bail had been granted and the circumstances under which such bails were granted.

He expressed grave concern about the matter, and assured the public that his outfit had initiated steps to find a workable solution to the problem.

The CJ reminded Ghanaians that the handling of serious criminal offences required the collective effort of all State institutions involved in the administration of criminal justice, and hoped they would co-operate to help nip criminal activities in the society in the bud.