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Health News of Friday, 13 February 2015

Source: GNA

Public advised to desist from consuming carcasses

Dr Saviour Denueme, the Brong-Ahafo Regional Veterinary Officer, has appealed to the public to desist from consuming carcasses to avoid contracting anthrax and other dangerous diseases.

Dr Denueme told the GNA in an interview that it was not advisable to touch dead animals with bare hands since one might not know the disease that caused their death.

He said some of the animal killer diseases were highly contagious and could kill anybody who came into contact with animals killed by such diseases.

Dr Denueme said anthrax, which was not common in the Brong-Ahafo Region, was creeping in, adding that the Region in 2014 recorded three outbreaks of the disease.

He appealed to the public to be cautious about the type of smoked meat they bought because most of such meat were carcasses prepared in the bush for the market.

Dr Denueme appealed to the populace to consume meat from the slaughter houses because such meat had been inspected and examined by veterinary officers as wholesome for consumption. Dr. Denueme said because of indiscipline and love for money, people secretly sold dead animals to consumers.

He said people were consuming meat which could break their vitamin ‘K’ systems to block blood flow in their bodies that forces the blood to come out from their nostrils and possibly lead to death.

Dr Denueme appealed to the public to call a veterinary officer to inspect any sudden death of their animals and not to unskin them secretly for sale to create health problems for consumers.