General News of Thursday, 8 February 2007

Source: GNA

Public dissatisfied with organisation of Ghana@50

Koforidua, Feb.8, GNA- A section of the public have expressed dissatisfaction of how activities of the Ghana at 50 anniversary celebration was being organised.

To them, 50 years of nationhood, despite the fact that it had not been all rosy, was no mean achievement, the celebration of which should be made that dull and quiet as was being experienced in Ghana now. In interviews with a section of the public on their perception of the anniversary celebration in the New Juaben Municipality on Wednesday, most of the people interviewed wondered why up to this time not even the anniversary cloth was ready.

Most of the people who spoke on anonymity said they expected that by now the national flag should have be seen flying on all poles and tree along ceremonial streets in the towns and villages to usher in the anniversary.

A market woman who was interviewed said every year schoolchildren began the parade practice as early as January, but this year she could not understand why up to February nothing of that sort was happening. She concluded that nothing showed that Ghana was 50 as compared to when Ghana was 40, which involved many activities and euphoria. =

A lecturer of the Koforidua Polytechnic said, she was surprised at the turn of events because a jubilee year should be celebrated in a grand style and not as was going on. She wondered what the secretariat was doing and up till now, not even the cloth and other souvenirs were out to commemorate the anniversary and called on the authorities to speed up whatever they were doing because Ghanaians were yearning to celebrate in style. Some students of the All Nations University said most of the activities scheduled to commemorate the anniversary were not appealing to Ghanaians.

They mentioned that old films and theatres such as the famous 91I told you so' were some of the programs that they were expecting on the TV screens to put people in the anniversary mood. They contended that programs that would have the participation of all Ghanaians were the best other than the ones which were being attended and enjoyed by a few selected section of the public.