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Regional News of Friday, 2 June 2006

Source: GNA

Pupil drowns in well

Bolgatanga, June, GNA - Master Isaac Anaba, a nine-year old primary one pupil of St Clement Primary School in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region, met his untimely death on Wednesday when he decided to jump into a well to swim while playing with his colleagues near a hand-dug well at Atulibabisi suburb of Bolgatanga.

According to a motorbike mechanic, Mr James Nyaba, whose workshop is sited near the well, he heard shouts from Master Anaba's colleagues, which attracted him to the scene where they told him that Anaba had fallen into the hand-dug well.

He said he jumped into the well and brought Master Anaba out alive but that when the boy was rushed on a motorbike to the Bolgatanga Central hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. When GNA contacted the hospital authorities they confirmed the death of the child, who had since been buried. Mr. Anaba Emanuel, the Assemblyman of Atulibabisi where the late master Anaba hailed from, said accidents involving people falling into wells were becoming rampant in the Bolgatanga municipality. He blamed the situation on the manner hand dug wells were being constructed, saying most of the wells were not covered with concrete slabs.

Mr. Anaba suggested that to prevent similar misfortunes in the near future, hand-dug wells should be sealed and connected with hand pumps. He appealed to the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly and communities in the municipality to remedy the situation.