Regional News of Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Source: radioxyzonline

Queen accuses DCE of stealing bags of school feeding rice

A Queen and Caterer with the School Feeding Programme in the Tano North district is accusing the District Chief Executive of stealing 12 bags of rice meant for the programme.

Nana Akosua Durowaa says Apraku Lartey took illegal custody of the rice from the officer in charge of distribution at the district office.

The traditional leader said the 12 bags were part of a total of 25 meant for her.

She told XYZ News the DCE is frustrating her because he perceives her a member of the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Mr Apraku Lartey, however, denied the allegation. He said he even renewed the queen mother’s contract in the past and therefore wondered why she will make such allegations against him.