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Regional News of Sunday, 11 June 2017


REGSEC hailed for foiling bloodbath in Bole

Northern Regional Minister REGSEC Mr Salifu Saeed Northern Regional Minister REGSEC Mr Salifu Saeed

The Northern Regional Security Committee (REGSEC) has been hailed for its swift intervention in averting a possible bloodbath in Bole following a chieftaincy feud over a successor to the late chief of the area.

Public Relations Officer of the Gonjaland Youth Association and General Manager of Bole-based Nkilgi FM Mahama Haruna, has particularly commended the Northern Regional Minister Salifu Saeed who doubles as Chairman of REGSEC for his efforts to bring about peace in area.

According to him, many anticipated some level of unrest in the Bole Traditional Area in the event the Bole skin became vacant without addressing the Mandari chieftaincy issue which has been pending and presently before the Judicial Committee of the Northern Regional House of Chiefs since 2013.

“One government official I wish to commend so far is the Northern Regional Minister and Chairman of the Regional Security Committee (REGSEC), Mr Salifu Saeed for the manner he has handled the Bole Chieftaincy controversy so far.

It is clear he understands issues of Chieftaincy perhaps because he also hails from an area (Bimbilla) that is currently engrossed in a chieftaincy conflict”, Mr Haruna emphasized.

He observed that the Northern Regional Minister’s competence and frankness in handling the Bole Chieftaincy controversy is highly commendable recounting some actions he on the third day after the death of the chief cautioning that government will not allow any individual or group of people to take the peace of the Bole Traditional Area to ransom receiving a loud applause from the people.

“The Regional Minister said government would not want anybody to do anything to cause mayhem in this area and that they are monitoring and tracking the activities of people around the area.

The Minister has therefore received commendations from many people who are keenly monitoring the chieftaincy situation at Bole”. Mr Haruna explained.