Regional News of Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Source: Michael Oberteye, Contributor

Rainstorm causes havoc in parts of Tema

A fallen electricity pole A fallen electricity pole

The rainstorm experienced on the morning of Monday, 6th May 2024, has caused some destruction to property and has also affected the electricity supply, as some poles and cables were brought down in the early morning occurrence.

The Tema Region of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) reports fallen poles and cables, with some falling due to being hit by a ripped roof and others by materials used for billboards.

In Aviation New York, for instance, a low-voltage pole had its cables torn due to a ripped roof that hit it. At Gbetsile, a high-tension pole fell with its accompanying cables. Both instances caused some customers to lose electricity supply as the maintenance teams of the power distribution company have gotten to work to fix all such faults.

With the onset of the rains and the beginning of the rainy season, the PRO for ECG Tema Region, Sakyiwaa Mensah, made a cautionary appeal to customers and the general public to ensure their safety during rainstorms by staying away from bare cables hanging from poles or lying on the ground, broken poles, and also to report any such destruction to the ECG.