General News of Tuesday, 17 February 2004

Source: Crusading Guide

Rawlings Cannot Lie ? NDC member

Nii Adjei Boye Sekan, a leading member of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) and former Presidential Staffer has stated that he believes hook, line and sinker the answers given by ex-President Rawlings during his recent appearance at the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) because the (Rawlings) swore an oath before answering questions.

In an interview with The Crusading Guide, the NDC guru stated the Rawlings? appearance was impressive, adding that he (Rawlings) stated nothing but the facts.

?Very impressive, he (Rawlings) stated the facts, the reality, what else can man expect from him apart from the reality?, Nii Adjei Boye Sekan said cheerfully.

He continued that ex-President Rawlings cold not have lied that the two tapes concerning Amartey Kwei?s confession and the Air Force Station executions were missing since he (Rawlings) swore an oath. He appeared before the Commission and swore an oath, he couldn?t have come to lie?, he insisted. Asked how he managed to conclude that the ex-President?s presentation was nothing but the truth, Adjei Boye Sekan shot back: ?Why are you also suspicious that what Rawlings said was not a fact?, he quarried.

?I don?t know whether what he said was true or not, I am rather surprised that?? the reporter could barely conclude his question when Nii Adjei Boye Sekan cut in and quipped: ?He swore, I am saying that he has appeared before the Commission, he swore an oath to speak nothing but the truth, is that not what he said?.