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General News of Thursday, 30 August 2012

Source: GNA

Rawlings calls for the elimination of ‘bad nuts’

Former President Jerry John Rawlings on Thursday called on President John Dramani Mahama and the hierarchy of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to weed out “bad nuts” from the rank and file of the party.

He said “it is often said we should not throw out the baby with bath bad water but that can only be done when such babies do not behave like they really are babies”

Former President Rawlings, who is the founder of the NDC, said this at the party’s Special Delegates’ Congress at Kumasi that will endorse a presidential candidate for the party.

Former President Rawlings called on President Mahama to deal with all members and government officials who have cut a slur on the reputation of the party. “Let us show some civility towards each other with the hope that he would be able to correct some of the past mistakes,” he said.

Former President Rawlings called on all party supporters, especially those living abroad, to join the campaign trail in order to win the December polls. “Those who have been waiting outside the country for the party to win for them to come and enjoy, it is now time for them to join the campaign trail,” he said.

Former President Rawlings called on the NDC hierarchy to respect and recognize all the interest groups and organisations in the party to offer them the opportunity to lend their support towards victory in December.

“Ghana is the only country that many are proud to die for, but can we say so now in the prevailing circumstances?” he asked.

Former President Rawlings also called on party supporters to use the congress to get the party back to its values and commitments by reassessing their performance for posterity.

Voting has started smoothly at the ruling National Democratic Congress’ Special National Delegates Congress to either endorse or reject President John Dramani Mahama as the party’s Flag bearer for Election 2012.

The election is being supervised by a team of Electoral Commission officials led by Mr. Kwadwo Sarfo Kantanka.

The NDC elected late President John Evans Atta Mills to lead the party in Election 2012 but he passed away on July 24.