Diaspora News of Thursday, 17 January 2013

Source: Osborne K Sam

Re: The Tawdry Rejoinders of NDC–USA

It was Socrates the Athenian who said, “I am the wisest man alive, for I
know one thing, and that is that I know nothing” to wit, Socrates always
acknowledged his imperfect knowledge and would always expose the ignorance of
persons who claimed perfection or wisdom with his questioning and exposing
the contradictions in the reasoning of these so called wise men. Mr.
Appiah Stonash, if NDC USA’s write-ups are so tawdry, ineffective and illogical
as you claim, what does it say about you and NPP USA that you will write a
two paged article about such tawdry rejoinders?

Does your flagrant use of insulting language not expose you and your
organization’s frustrations? Although you try to attack NDC policies,
achievements and positions with your articles, your party is usually the loser in the
exchange because NDC USA’s rejoinders have been effective in exposing the
weaknesses of NPP positions? If NPP USA has been so effective in espousing
the positions of NPP through its numerous articles, why are you whining
about NDC USA’s “tawdry” rejoinders? The only rational reason for your above
named article is simply that your writings have been unable to achieve
their objectives. We of the NDC USA are indeed content with the work that we
have done regarding press releases on behalf of the great NDC.
As you have stated the NDC USA has a right to respond to articles which we
believe affect our interests, the NDC USA is at a loss as to why this
should even be an issue. We are cognizant of the reality that millions worldwide
gain their information about a variety of issues from the internet, since
NDC is the governing party it is understandable that articles from
organizations such as NPP USA although injurious and malignant to party’s cause may
go without any response from Ghana. NDC USA simply tries its best to
respond on behalf of the party. Whether NPP USA classifies our writings as
tawdry or excellent is really immaterial to us. We shall continue to state the
weaknesses of NPP’s positions and why in our view NDC policies are better.
The readership in Ghana and the worldwide can judge for themselves.
Speaking of tawdry write ups did you count how many errors were in your “
perfect” article? Do you proofread your articles, Mr. Perfection? When you
live in a glass house don’t for heaven’s sake throw stones! Whether NDC USA
writes original articles or simply responds to NPP organizations such as
NPP UK OR NPP USA is irrelevant, we faithfully espouse NDC positions that’s
all. Given that these NPP organizations usually outline the positions of
NPP we joyously welcome their writings.
The most insulting part of NPP USA’s write up was this notion it put out
that writers of NDC USA were writing as a result of some monetary reward or
some hope of political reward. Really? This may be a rationale behind NPP
USA’s writings but this is not NDC USA’s motive for writing. Our members are
usually Ghanaians from all walks of life who are currently domiciled in
the USA, who dearly love NDC and Ghana hence our continued activism even
though we may be 1000s of miles away from Ghana. We support NDC because it is
the best Ghanaian political party, it has produced people centered leaders
like President Mahama, the late President Mills and President Jerry Rawlings
and what is there not to love about the people centered policies such as
are contained in the Agenda for A Better Ghana.
As for the ‘greatness’ of Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo the least said about
it the better, he may belong to the pantheon of greatest Ghanaian leaders in
your eyes but we remember him for tickling a makeup artist in a GBC TV
studio room and been unable to own up to his rather boyish pranks when the
video of the event was reproduced in a documentary and later on the internet.
We remember him as one of the few of Ghana’s political leaders who preached “
All die be die” to his followers and had to be queried about why he was
promoting violence as a solution to challenges which are inherent in every
electoral process by an international media house.
The NDCUSA remains committed to working for the cause of the NDC and
Ghana, NPP USA can keep their articles coming we have a right to respond and
Amponsah Stonash and others’ tears will not stop us.
Osborne K Sam
NDC USA Secretary