Politics of Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Source: AFAG

Reckless expenditure as things fall apart - AFAG

Once again, in another challenging period of our lives as Ghanaians, we are faced with the harsh economic results of massive corruption, weak leadership and poor economic management. In this regard, and more than ever before, the masses of our people are confronted with the severe problem of high food prices, fuel cost and pending increases in the prices of utilities and allied expenditures.

Fellow Ghanaians, over the past 4 years, our cumulative debt stock since independence has increased well over 300% but with no value for money to the Ghanaian. The excuse by the president that, majority of such expenditure landed in the pockets of formal sector workers as a result of the introduction of the single spine salary structure is absolutely untenable in the face of high public expenditure due to ghost judgment debt payments, massive patronage, inflated cost of contracts, massive corruption allegations against government appointees, and a flamboyant campaign by the NDC.

Ladies & gentlemen of the press, the old notion by government that, the citizen will pay for their wasteful expenditures through the imposition of huge taxes is no longer true. There is therefore, the need for a positive action against government with respect to mass civil actions to press home our resolve that, the consequence of government's mismanagement and poor leadership cannot be charged the Ghanaian.

Fellow Ghanaians, the current economy can best be likened to "a comatose patient at the intensive care unit without a diagnosis". Ladies & gentlemen, we need a change in direction, and not until the supreme court provide justice to reflect the will of the people, we will continue to suffer economic injustices from a government that appears bedridden over issues that bothers on corruption and sound economic management. Fellow Ghanaians, all is not well!!! We must speak out now or forever hold our peace.

Ghana today is in a situation where everything is on its knees and panting for social and economic edification. Economic hardships for the masses, empty state coffers, mounting public debts, dwindling economic fortune, sky-rocketing unemployment, naked thievery, unrelenting labour agitation and Policy misdirection.

Indeed what is fundamental for human survival is now ‘gold-plated’ and makes nonsense of the Maslow’s theory of needs. What qualifies as a physiological need is now self-actualized as regularly flow of water, constant supply of electricity and the satisfaction of the three square-meals is hard to find in an Economy which is lower-middle income.

John Mahama and his administration should stop the propaganda style of governance and concentrate on fixing the real issues that confront us as a country. Under his watch, Ghana today can be likened to a child who has lost control on a tricycle descending a slope.

On the 18th April, all demonstrators will converge at the Obra Spot, then we walk through Nkrumah Avenue, and turn left to TUC, then to the National Theatre. From there, leadership of AFAG would move to parliament to present a petition to the leadership of parliament. We would proceed from there to the Hearts Park where demonstrators would be addressed by our invited speakers.

God Bless Ghana


Abu Ramadan

Davis Opoku Ansah

Bright Acheampong

Mutala Mohammed