General News of Tuesday, 18 April 2000

Source: GNA

Reduction in price of LP Gas is timely - FEJ

Accra, April 18, GNA - The Federation of Environmental Journalists (FEJ) has welcomed the reduction in the local price of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) announced by the National Petroleum Tender Board on Monday.

FEJ said, "if the reduction is in response to public outcry against the unaffordable price and a realisation of the negative impact it might have on the environment, then the reduction is timely and in the interest of the nation."

A release issued by FEJ and signed Mr Emmanuel Kojo Kwarteng, Programmes Co-ordinator and Mr Severious Kale Dery, Head of Communications, however described the percentage reduction as not significant enough to induce people in the short term to use LPG as an alternative to charcoal and firewood.

It said the 15.2 per cent reduction in the price of LPG is far below the anticipated 35 per cent minimum. The Federation said the previous increase was by 60 per cent, it, therefore, expressed the hope that the price of LPG would be reduced further to make it affordable to the majority of Ghanaians.

The Federation also appealed to all those, who switched to the use of charcoal and firewood during the price-hike to rescind their decision and contribute to sustainable development of the country.

It said LPG is clean and environmentally friendly and must be utilised by all. The National Petroleum Tender Board on Monday reduced the price of LPG from 2,240 to 1,900 cedis per kilo.

A statement by the Board said a cylinder of 14.5 kilograms should now sell at 27,550 cedis instead of 32,500 cedis. The FEJ, United Ghana Movement (UGM), the media and members of the general public early last week expressed grave concern about the high price of LPG and the environment impact of that decision.