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Sports News of Thursday, 23 March 2017


Referee Samuel Sukah reports Godwin Ablordey to Ghana FA

Samuel Suker Samuel Suker

Class One referee Samuel Sukah has officially lodged a complaint to the Ghana Football Association (GFA) against Asante Kotoko assistant coach Godwin Ablordey, according to media reports.

The Accra-based official has been in the headlines this week following his performance in last Sunday’s Super Clash game at the Accra Sports Stadium between Hearts of Oak and Asante Kotoko, where he awarded the home side a late controversial penalty to beat their arch-rivals.

And according to multiple media reports, the referee indicated in his match report to the Ghana Football Association that deputy coach of the Porcupine Warriors Godwin Ablordey verbally assaulted him in the wake of the match.

Despite the club’s loss, they still maintain their second spot on the log with 17 points after 8 games same points as table toppers Aduana Stars but with inferior goal difference.