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Sports News of Tuesday, 29 August 2017


Referees for Ghana-Congo World Cup qualifier to arrive tomorrow

Youssef Essrayi will handle the game Youssef Essrayi will handle the game

Tunisian referee Youssef Essrayi who will handle Ghana's upcoming 2018 World Cup qualifier against the Red Devils of Congo will touch down in the country tomorrow.

The 40-year-old will be assisted by countrymen Jridi Faouzi and Marwene Saad with Nasrallah Jaouadi the fourth referee.

Essrayi has officiated in two World Cup qualifying matches- hist first was Ivory Coast’s 1-0 win at Liberia in November 2015 and the 2-0 defeat of Cape Verde last October.

He became an international referee five years ago.

The match will be played at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium on 1 September.