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General News of Wednesday, 3 April 2002


Registered voters to be issued with photo ID cards later

An unspecified number of voters in the Western Region, who registered in the just ended Revision of Voters Register could not be issued with photo identity cards because of insufficient cameras.

The affected voters would continue to be issued with their identity cards till April 14, Mr John Reginald Amihere, Regional Director of the Electoral Commission (EC) said in an interview in Sekondi on Tuesday.

He said during this period of the issuance of the photo identity cards, there would not be fresh registration of voters. Mr Amihere said there were only 50 cameras for 452 registration centres in the region and one cameraman had to cover so many electoral areas. The exercise was targeted at those who were 18 to 21 years and older people, who could not register from 1995.