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Politics of Saturday, 27 March 2004

Source: GNA

Registration of residents in inaccessible areas progressing

Ho, March 27, GNA - Mr David Acheampong, Kete-Krachi District Director of the Electoral Commission (EC) indicated at the weekend that the "difficult-to-reach" islands and peninsulas were recording landmark progress in the current voter registration exercise.
Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview, Mr Acheampong said enough registration materials had been dispatched to those inaccessible areas since the beginning of the exercise to avoid shortages. He said it was not only expensive to reach these difficult terrains but registration officials are also exposed to high risks as they needed to travel several nautical miles sometimes in canoes on the lake to get to the centres.
"It would be suicidal to run short of registration materials in such areas as it would be extremely difficult to reach out to the registration officials".
Mr Acheampong however few shortages of materials were reported in the Krachi East and Krachi West Constituencies, notably the Nchumuru zones, which had been supplied with supplementary forms. "The exercise has been generally as impressive," he said, adding that most of the district's centres had outstripped the average figures on the previous register.