General News of Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Rehabilitation of Upper East Regional Hospital in focus

Upper East Regional Hospital Upper East Regional Hospital

The former Minister of Health. Ms Sherry Ayittey, last year cut the sod for work to begin on a rehabilitation project of the Upper East Regional Hospital.

The two- phased rehabilitation and expansion project, estimated to cost $48 million, is part of the government's effort at providing all the 10 regions with a modern regional hospital.

Phase one of the projects costing US$ 14 million dollars began on the 17th of February 2014 and is expected to be completed in August 2015.

Currently, the facilities at the old hospital are dilapidated and outmoded which make them inappropriate to be used for the provision of health care.

The project will transform the hospital into a 295 bed facility with an Accident and Emergency Center, a modern blood bank, an imaging center and other ancillary facilities.

When the whole project is completed, facilities such as dental, imaging, pharmacy, accident and emergency, intensive care, ear, nose and throat, eye, mental health, public health, herbal medicine units and the various wards will be provided.

A mortuary, a laundry, a laboratory and a blood bank unit will also be constructed.

The project is being funded by the Saudi Fund for Development, while the Berock Ventures Limited is undertaking the actual construction. The Saudi Consulting Services is supervising the project.

The first two pictures in “Photos” show what the hospital will look like when the project is completed and the others show the development as at December.