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Regional News of Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Reject failed MPs and govt officials, go for new ideas - Kumasi Mayor aspirant

Kwabena Manu wants to be a Mayor Kwabena Manu wants to be a Mayor

Metropolitan Chief Executive aspirant for Kumasi, Kwabena Manu, has asked the vetting team to kick out failed Members of Parliament and government officials vying for the hotly contested position.

He insists the President should try out someone with fresh ideas to solve age-long problems that the other aspirants have failed to tackle in their positions as tried MPs and government officials.

“Every aspirant that went there has been tried and tested and people know their track records but they don’t know anything about me. Some have been MPs and they lost their seats and if they did a good job, they would have never lost their seats. I think that they should say goodbye to them and give us a new chance to do the right things for Kumasi,” Mr. Manu exuded.

Mr. Manu has 30 years of experience as a social worker and labour unionist in the United States of America.

He also served as New York Chapter branch of the New Patriotic Party and contested twice in the Nsuta Kwamang Beposu constituency primaries of the NPP.

Mr. Manu contended that he has what it takes to rid Kumasi of filth and congestion.

He explained, “The night cleaning services in the metropolis is not enough. I will get men to clean the city during the daytime. Instead of bringing police to drive people off the streets, we need to find appropriate places for them.”

The aspirant is also promising to create offices for all assembly members to regularize their operations in their electoral areas.

Kwabena Manu is in the race with the incumbent Osei Asibey Antwi and two defeated Members of Parliament – Kennedy Kamkam and Collins Owusu Amankwah.

Also in the race is a metropolitan Roads Engineer and son of the longest-serving KMA boss Nana Akwasi Agyemang – Engineer Nana Attah Poku.

The rest are the NPP’s Ashanti Regional Secretary Sam Pyne and CEO of the Public Sector Reforms, Thomas Kusi Boafo.

A former KMA presiding member Kofi Senya is also in the race to make it for the top three who will be presented to the President to make the ultimate choice.