Regional News of Thursday, 3 March 2016


Religious leaders rise to the defense of EC Chair

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A group calling itself the Concerned Clergy and Christians of Ghana (C.C.C.G) has risen to the defense of the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission Mrs. Charlotte Osei calling on prominent religious to leaders in the country to cease fire in verbally attacking her.

The concerns of the group is particularly in reference to statement by Rt. Rev Stephen Richard Bosomtwe-Ayensu, Superintendent Minister of the Dzorwulu Circuit of the Methodist Church of Ghana to the effect that the EC Chair is supposedly showing bias, “talking too much” and “scheming to impose President John Dramani Mahama on Ghanaians” in the upcoming general elections.

In a statement signed by Rev. Dr. Augustus Anim, it described the comments as unfortunate noting that they should not be coming from prominent citizens who the society mostly looked up to; as such remarks could pollute the mind of sections of the public in acceptance of the election results, if it does not go in their favor.

Read Full Statement Below:


In the past few weeks, the Concerned Clergy and Christians of Ghana (C.C.C.G) has monitored with deep regrets, series of unwarranted attacks and utterances against a constitutionally mandated body like the Electoral Commission (EC) and its Chairperson, Mrs. Charlotte Osei by section of the public, notably among them are prominent men of God.

The substance of these attacks, which the C.C.C.G finds very absurd and worrying are claims that the EC is supposedly showing bias, Chairperson is “talking too much” and “scheming to impose President John Dramani Mahama on Ghanaians” in the upcoming general elections.

The C.C.C.G views these developments as a deliberate and orchestrated attempt to simply discredit the hard-won credibility and reputation of the EC and thereafter, prejudice the outcome of the November polls.

It is worthy to note that, C.C.C.G acknowledged the prophetic roles of all men of God as development partners, which imposes a responsibility on us to continue to support nation-building efforts through prayers and ensuring the wellbeing of every citizen by promoting the economic growth, prosperity and peace of our people.

We believe, such unfortunate comments should not be coming from prominent citizens who the society mostly looked up to; as these remarks could pollute the mind of sections of the public in acceptance of the election results, if it does not go in their favor.

What is most disturbing, was the fact that those attacking the EC and its Commissioner have failed to recognize the blessings the Lord Almighty has bestowed on us as a nation; especially so, when the same EC has conducted and supervised elections successfully for sixth times for this country, without bloodshed, even as sinful as we are. The patriotic staffs of the EC who have worked hard for so long for our country deserve commendation, but not condemnation!

We, therefore, called on all well-meaning Ghanaians who are attacking the EC and other State institutions, to stop. As we celebrate our 59th Independence Day on this Sunday, 6th March, let’s us use the occasion to reflect on ourselves and not abandon the prophetic role of our Churches; the parental role of the Family; and the modeling role of the teachers, and leave all the fingers pointing to the government; which unfortunately is nobody but all of us!

The C.C.C.G also wants to use this opportunity to acknowledge the government for its performance in providing various developmental projects such as roads, schools, hospitals, water among other social intervention projects across the country, as chronicled in the President’s State of the Nation Address.

To this end, C.C.C.G would want to put it on record that, as Clergymen and Christians we will continue to lend our support and encourage whichever government is in power devoid of bias or pettiness for national unity and progress.

We believe credit should be given to our leaders when it’s due. The power to determine which government should win power and steer the affairs of this country depends wholly on the Ghanaian electorate through voting, but not any man of God or supreme individual.

Long live the Christians

Long live Ghana and Happy 59th Independence Day anniversary

May Peace be unto you!!!


Rev. Dr. Augustus Anim