Regional News of Tuesday, 27 April 2004

Source: GNA

Religious minister expresses concern about youth sexual promiscuity

Hiawu-Besease (Ash), April 27, GNA-A religious minister has expressed serious concern about the alarming rate of pre-marital sex among teenagers with its attendant pregnancies and other social and sex related problems.

Prophet Stephen Nimako, the founder of Christ Healing Church (CHC) at Hiawu-Besease, who expressed the concern, said sexual promiscuity among the youth had increased at such an alarming rate that something must be done immediately to control the situation.

He was delivering a sermon on the theme: "Discipline, Moral Uprightness and God's Blessings" after five-day prayers and fasting of the church at Hiawu-Besease in the Atwima district last Sunday.

Prophet Nimako condemned immorality, drug addiction, indiscipline and other social vices among the youth and called on all well meaning Ghanaians to help address the problem.

He said Christians have a great responsibility not only to lead morally upright and decent lives worthy of emulation by the youth but also intensify the crusade against social vices, which he described as a "serious threat to mankind".

"Christianity is not only dressing gorgeously to attend church services but the exhibition of practical Christian values, good morals and virtues that would impact meaningfully on the society", he said. Prophet Nimako advised parents, teachers and the elderly to guide, counsel and train the youth to appreciate the society's moral values and virtues and to shun negative foreign culture and practices. Christians, he said, can only be blessed abundantly only if they practiced Christian lives and put their faith and beliefs in God. He called on Ghanaians to fast and pray feverishly and unceasingly torid the society of vices and also for peaceful elections to sustain the country's stability and progress.