General News of Sunday, 4 February 2007

Source: GNA

Request for more doctors for Ejisu-Juaben District

Ejisu (Ash), Feb 4, GNA - Dr Badu Sarkodie, Ejisu-Juaben District Director of Health Services, has expressed concern about the shortage of health workers, especially doctors in the District.

He said the doctor to population ratio in the district stands at 30,352 patients to one doctor which has put much stress on the doctors.

Speaking at the district's annual health performance review meeting at Ejisu at the weekend, Dr Sarkodie said the District which had a population of over 151,761 people had only 38 nurses and five doctors.

He appealed to the Ghana Health Service (GHS) to post additional doctors and nurses to help improve upon health delivery.

Dr Sarkodie announced that 81,340 out-patients visited the health facilities in the area while 2,876 were admitted.

He said the number of family planning acceptors increased from 11,367 in 2005 to 13,419 in 2006 and commended the women for showing interest in the family planning programme.

Mr Yaw Ahenkora Afrifa, District Chief Executive, comended the health workers for their commitment and dedication to duty.

He said through their intensive education, the rate of tuberculosis (TB) cases dropped from 71 in 2005 to 67 in 2006. The DCE also commended them for supporting the implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and advised those who had not yet registered with the scheme to do so in order to enjoy affordable health care delivery.

Mr Afrifa urged the health workers to educate the people on the causes and effects of bilharzias since it was gaining roots in the area.

He said the Assembly was providing potable water, constructing health posts and accommodation for health workers to improve health delivery in the District.