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Regional News of Thursday, 9 October 2014

Source: Isaac Amoah-Asare

Residents Of Abakoase To Ban Campaign Due To Bad Road Network

hiefs and people of Abakoase in the Atiwa district of the Eastern region have vowed not to entertain any political campaign in the community if nothing is done about the bad state of their road network. According to residents, the bad state of the road makes it difficult for both drivers and residents to ply the road especially during the rainy season.
Chief of the community Barima Akroma Acheampong made these known at a durbar to climax the Ohum kyire festival. He was worried that upon numerous request to the Atiwa municipal assembly has proved futile and called on the ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to come to the rescue of road users. He also stated their intention to consult Ghana Cocoa Board for assistance since the community is the highest producer of cocoa within the district.
Barima Acheampong was worried that the nature of the road has forced drivers to charge exorbitant prices which in effect affects ordinary passengers. " The road is so bad that passengers are usually forced to pay high transport fares which actually affects them but has no other option since there is no other option left to them" the chief lamented.
On behalf of residents, the chief warned politicians not to come to the community to campaign if nothing is done about the road as soon as possible before the upcoming 2016 general elections. He however appealed to government to do its best in addressing challenges the country is currently facing and also called on ghanaians to desist from corrupt attitudes but rather work hard to improve the state of the economy for the benefit of all ghanaians.